As the debate rages on, it?s no longer entirely clear how good or bad the Christmas tree industry is for the environment. One thing?s for sure, however, even if you?re not worried about the impact on the environment, there are plenty of alternative options to have a much cool, creative, usable Christmas tree compared with the traditional ones. Here are 13 creative and unusual Christmas tree designs we collected from the world and hope you enjoy.
1. Beary Christmas Tree [link]
Beary Christmas trees are a hit with the crowd, and they have been done over and over and over again. But obviously, no one?s complaining! To me, With neat alternating layers of bears in green, pink and white, it?s almost like a delicious layered cake!

2. Face Tree [link]
The ?face tree? is a tree of many faces. Hundreds of magazine cutouts of faces have been folded and arranged neatly together. Not particularly beautiful, but creative anyhow.

3. Pac-Man Christmas Tree [link]
This has gotta be the coolest Christmas tree I think I?ve ever seen. Pac-Man and his ghostly pals have been reproduced in this giant holiday light display.
The ?tree? features a fully-animated version of the classic arcade game, rendered across thousands of colored LEDs.

4. Library Christmas Tree [link]
Christmas Tree made of books. The tree is at the locval University Library in Aalborg. The books used to make trees were old reference books that weren’t used much anymore - they are bound to be available onlineAnd. It is a brilliant idea to make use of those books and make a clever, styled tree.

5. Aluminum can Tree [link]
the aluminum can, one of the most common recycling materials, takes the form of a Christmas tree too. It?s silver and pink! Pretty!

6. Empty Bottles Christmas Trees [link]
If you hate pine needles all over the floor, and you?re looking for a way to make this your greenest holiday season yet, take a hint from the creator of these festive boozers that decided to create Christmas trees out of beer bottles.
Left one is a giant Grolsch Christmas tree in Montreal, Canadian Christmas tree made of Molsen bottles. and right one is made by some student at his home.

7. Modern Christmas Tree [link]
The Modern Christmas Tree' is a contemporary acrylic Christmas decoration that will look fantastic in any modern or traditional setting.

8. The Murano Christmas Tree [link]
As the world?s biggest glass Christmas tree, the Maruno is not just a celebration of this time of the year but also of centuries-old Venetian craftsmanship. The tree was prepared by a group of glassblowers from the Benetian island of Murano (from which the tree gets its name).

9. Gareth Pugh Christmas Tree For Topshop [link]
Gareth Pugh has created a Christmas Tree installation for the Topshop Oxford Circus flagship store. Using 60 neon bulbs, the tree stands three meters tall. Definitely worth checking out.
After the jump you can have a more detailed look at the Gareth Pugh Christmas Tree for Topshop.

10. Paper Christmas Tree [link]
These pretty paper trees are perfect for your desktop decoration. click the link to find the tutorial.

11. Spinning Fiber Optic Tree [link]
Fiber Optic Christmas trees have been around for a while now, and unfortunately most of them are so ugly and gawdy that no one with a respectable sense of style and decor would ever put them up. This design changes all that. The spinning fiber optic tree doesn?t just light up the room, it also draws attention because it spins. Be warned though, it?s probably a good idea to not hang ornaments from this tree.

12. Sustainable Christmas Tree by leftover samples [link]
This is anther great idea to make Christmas Tree out of leftover fabric samples and. Realy decent and creative idea.

13. Publicis Singapore: Christmas Tree [link]
And the last one is the season’s greeting compaign from Singapre… Nice and creative.